I remember thinking that I will never quit smoking. I tried quitting cold-turkey and with NRT, but both of them failed. I guess it's normal to have a hard time quitting when you're a certified smoker of twenty years. I must admit the psychological factor played a major role in the dilemma. Oh how I loved those cigarettes! There were times when I drove several miles to get that last cigarette of the day. I liked how it would instantly relieve stress, which was probably the main reason I smoked, but I also loved making smoke rings.
Regardless, deep inside I realized that I needed to quit. I was smoking almost 2 packs a day and knew that if I didn’t stop, it would eventually kill me, (I did quit thanks to Smoke Deter, but more on that later).
My first attempt to quit was using the good old cold-turkey (you quit without external help) method. Scientists have estimated that a smoker who quits cold-turkey needs to try 6 times, I tried 26 times and still couldn't quit. This "technique" was especially hard for me since I smoked so much for such a long time. It made me mad at everything and sensitive, plus I lost all of my concentration up to a point where I couldn't drive properly. I can sympathize with people who are unable to quit using this method.
The following attempt involved Nicotine Skin Patches. Those are effective to a certain degree, but they have a major downside: they are addictive too. Of course I would pick patches over cigarettes any day, because you’re not inhaling chemicals in the smoke, but you remain addicted nonetheless. Too bad that at the end of my expensive 400-dollar-three-month-supply I was craving for a cigarette. Apart from that I must say that I was really surprised with how effective they were. You should Patches if you don't have luck with Smoke Deter.
The 3rd thing I tried is a solution which was recommended by a friend of mine, which is called Smoke Deter. At first I was a bit skeptical. My BS sensors usually turn on when I hear about herbal solutions. Nevertheless it was much cheaper than patches so I gave it a chance.
Surprisingly it’s been 4 months since I've touched a single cigarette. I can breathe easy now. I have a healthier skin tone. And I gotta tell you, smokers smell bad (you notice it when you become a non-smoker). I've been recommending it since to all my friends and colleagues who want to quit. Probably the only downside is that my local pharmacy didn't have it. But nothing's perfect I guess.
For additional information about this quitting aid click this link.
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